Cloud Backup Services

We understandably get some questions about online data security. We’re here to share with utmost confidence that we back up all your account data in three places: two secure locations in our system and a third on your company’s own server. This means you always have access to the information you need, and you can rely on the fact that it’s backed up in multiple locations to combat the small chance that one location may fail.


Cloud Backup

Securing Your Data Is Our Mission

Some propane dealers voice concerns that digital files can be lost at any moment—and while no system (paper or computer) is 100% bulletproof to data loss, we take the utmost care to back up your information on multiple secure cloud storage locations.

We also encourage you to consider the chance of loss of paper inspection forms and documentation, which is a frequent occurrence at many of the propane companies we have helped in the past. Paper forms slip between truck seats, fall prey to water or wind damage, and are lost on and behind desks and filing cabinets.

With digital documentation, you can search for any keyword or file name and have the document you’re looking for pop up in a heartbeat.

For a free demo of how our Cloud Backup Services can benefit your propane business, contact Suburban Software today.